
I have been filing the butt side groove in my forms, and filing , and filing. This is taking FOREVER..  I am gluing the triangle file to a wood block and gradually closing the forms. These files are not very coarse, so I'm eating up these files. I've gone through 5 so far. Does anyone know of a jig  that can use a bastard file to take down some of the groove and then finish it with the triangle file? Or is that not a good idea? I have probably put in twenty hours on the butt side groove alone. LOL and I know all of you who manufacture these forms are having a good chuckle, suffice it to say, I tell my friends BUY THEM.  (Mark Bolan)

I have just finished my first steel planing forms. My first advice would be to make wooden forms. I have made 15 rods on my wooden forms and they still go strong. I have the impression though that the steel forms are preciser. It is however fairly easy to make wooden forms and the rods look good.

As for filing, I flattened a couple of files until I bought a really big coarse triangle file. This one did a far better job. A lot faster and it holds longer. and I used up 'only' two...(Geert Poorteman)

He, he keep up the filing, we've all done it the same way!! Forget about all of the new ideas. Tradition You know, tradition. Don't listen to suggestion like adjustable "file plane", big coarse triangle file etc. Keep up the filing! My forms took a couple of weeks filing the butt groove, a bit less for the tip side....

On the other side, if I where to built me a new form, I would for sure checking out the article found here.  (Danny Twang)


I just started my planing forms following Penrose’s guide.  I found that duct taping two mill files to a scrap of 2x4, with the files spaced as far apart as possible, speeds cutting by a lot through twice the cutting action per stroke, and making it easier to bear down on the two file tool.

It appears that using epoxy to secure the files would be overkill.  (Frank Stechmeyer)


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