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< Home < Tips Area < Machines < Bevelers < Bacon I've been looking at Hal Bacon's Roughing Beveller a lot lately. I've been wondering, can I use 60 degree cutters, or do I have to have custom ground cutters at a different degree? (Danny Twang) You can buy them off the shelf, they'll be fine. Even though you are roughing, I don't suggest getting the budget ones. They seem to be a little more trouble than they are worth. Check out Moon or MSC for domestic cutters. (Eamon Lee) I'm thinking about building a beveller similar to Hal Bacon's design. I was only able to find three pictures of the beveller located here. Are more detailed construction instructions available? What type of blade is that and where do can you purchase one? (Mike Ealy) That is a 60 degree double angle milling cutter. 1" hole. 2.75" diameter. 1/2" thick. Pretty standard MSC or Travers Tool item. Also available in 90 for quads. (Bob Maulucci) I need some help in building a rough beveler similar to what Hal Bacon has out on the web site here and also similar to the one George Maurer has in his book. I know what the cutters are, double angle 60 degree, etc., but 2 questions: 1. How big of a motor do I need? 3/4, 1, or 1.5 HP? Also, the most RPMs available from what I can see from a company like MSC Industrial is ~3400, and I'm guessing the more the better. 2. What kind of an arbor do I need? Is the arbor on Hal's home made or is it purchased? Any other suggestions would be very appreciated! (Scott Bahn) Your best bet would be to build a beveler that doesn't have the cutters attached to the arbor of the motor. The one I have has a 4" pulley on the motor and a 2" pulley on the cutter shaft. My beveler uses a 1 hp motor at 3450 rpm and gives me about 5500 rpm at the cutter shaft. Absolutely not underpowered. (Mike Shay) To those who care, my good friend Claude pointed out to me that I had given the wrong dimension of the driven pulley. It is actually 2.5" not 2". He gave me a very detailed formula involving Pi (which apparently is NOT something one eats) and told me that the cutter shaft would be spinning at 6900 rpm's. He, of course, is correct. I had forgotten the simple rule of: driver pulley diameter divided by driven pulley diameter multiplied by motor speed equals the driven shaft speed. This beveler is actually spinning at 5520 rpm's, which is about what I remembered. (Mike Shay) Does anyone have a source for 60 degree cutting head like Hal Bacon’s Roughing beveler has on his? (David Ray) I'm not sure where you live, but you can find these in any industrial supply house like McMaster-Carr, MSC Industrial Supply or Granger on the web. They are called double angle milling cutters. Here is a link to the ones that I use. They do come in different diameters, but the 60 degree is the angle that you want. (Scott Bahn) Is this what you want? (Joe Arguello) |