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< Home < Rev. Dr. Harry Boyd's Christmas Missives < 1998 Friends, I hope you'll indulge me a few minutes to practice my profession on this list. Sitting in the study this afternoon, preparing for our Christmas Eve Vespers, I thought I should share a few thoughts with you, my "other congregation". First, best wishes in rodbuilding to all of you. May your nodes be flat, your blades sharp, your glue lines tight, and your sections straight. More importantly, at Christmas, we all need to come out of the workshop for a little while. Remember the spirit of the season. Do something nice for someone who cannot possibly return the favor. Indulge your wives and children and grandchildren for a day or two. Enjoy the food and merriment, but remember those for whom there is no extravaganza today. Tell someone special to you just how much you love them. And remember, we celebrate the birth of the Prince of peace, Wonderful Counselor, the Everlasting Father. He who came to reveal God’s love and grace is worthy of our celebrations and praise. And the heavenly host sang, "Glory to God in the highest. On Earth, peace towards men of good will." Make it a blessed Christmas, Reverend Dr. Harry Boyd, Jr |