Bamboo Tips - Galleries 2004 Grayrock Rodmakers Gathering Todd Talsma |
< Home < Galleries < 2004 Grayrock Rodmakers Gathering - Todd Talsma Here are some photos from the 2004 Grayrock Rodmakers Gathering taken by Todd Talsma. David Van Burgel, Jim Bureau & John Long Al Medved Doing a little casting Talking around the rod racks Ralph MacKenzie Ralph MacKenzie More casting Al Medved, Charlie Curro & Kim Fairchild What would a gallery of gathering photos be without a picture of Clara??? Jimmy Acord drawing a crowd Jim Bureau presenting his new Medved style beveler Jim Bureau presenting his new Medved style beveler Bidding on silent auction items Enjoying a meal Bret Reiter Bret Reiter Doug Hall, Rod Lawrence & Jimmy Acord around the campfire Bret Reiter, Doug Hall and Rod Lawrence around the campfire. Hal Bacon's blank impregnation presentation Chris Bogart, Dennis Higham and John Pickard Chris Bogart's presentation on controlled changes and RodDNA software Jim Bureau & Dave Hellman looking at some of Jim's great reel seats One of the better pictures of Doug Hall & Charlie Curro. Bill Harms during his brush finishing presentation Bill Harms during his brush finishing presentation Bill Harms during his brush finishing presentation Bill Harms during his brush finishing presentation Bill Harms during his brush finishing presentation Jimmy Acord, Rod Lawrence & Charlie Curro Manistee River Manistee River Manistee River Manistee River Manistee River |