Bamboo Tips - Extreme Rodmaking |
< Home < Extreme Rodmaking < The Gloppy Butt Finished my first PMQ around thanksgiving - planed the thing on my kitchen table...tons of hard work for a non-handy idiot such as me. I glob about 3 oz of varnish onto the butt section and then have to go to the bathroom really badly (oysters!!!). So I set the section on the floor and lean it carefully against the wall. A great idea with two kittens and a puppy in a four room Brooklyn railroad flat, right. Run to the bathroom... From the bathroom, I hear muffled cries, scampering, hissing. I quickly exit the bathroom to find my black cat viciously doing laps around my apartment with the PMQ butt section stuck to the thick fur on its back. The other cat and the Chihuahua are following it around, trying to get at the rod. Like a three-legged race with a varnished rod butt. They are all hissing and barking. I'm mainly concerned about getting my butt back from this wild menagerie. I lunge... When I got the butt section back from the very unhappy kitty, it looked like a pipe cleaner with an afro. Luckily, the extraction of the butt also removed a great wad of hair, so at least I didn't have to turp my kitty. The cat had other views of the situation and to this day stays very clear of my drip tubes and other varnish-related things. My wife then entered from the rear room and asked me what I was cleaning with that stick. Just dusting, dear, just dusting. Tra-la-la-la-la! (Joe West) |