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< Home < Extreme Rodmaking < Taped Fingertips Well, we occasionally share unfortunate shop events and here is another. I was using hot melt glue to put a tiptop on a rod tip section. I could not find my gloves so I wrapped a couple of pieces of masking tape around my thumb and forefinger to hold the tip top while I heated it up to slide it over the tip with the hot melt glue already on it. While I heated up the little metal tiptop I began to feel the heat and it hurt. I looked closer at what I was doing and the masking tape around my fingers was burning. I had flames burning the tape off my fingers. I would have said "damn!" but there was no one else present to hear. Now that I reflect, I suppose, the fault was not in the masking tape itself. (Timothy Troester) Don't feel too bad Timothy. Today I put together my second oven in two days and my hands and arms look like I've been fighting a bobcat! Good news is that the ovens work perfectly holding constant temp's from one end to the other. (Harry Boyd) Are you trying out for the Darwin prize? (Larry Puckett) That’s what you get for not using Duct tape!!!!!!! "G" (Jon Holland) I had duct tape on the bench as well as the masking tape. I did a quick mental calculation and decided that the 6" of masking tape would be less expensive than the 6" of duct tape. (Timothy Troester) Sorry, but I'm sitting here laughing about you setting your fingers on fire. I had this vision of you running around the room like Larry Fine (one of the Three Stooges), going "Whoop, Whoop, Whoop" shaking your flaming fingers in the air, looking for someplace to dunk them in water to extinguish! Timothy.... Welcome to my world! (Bob Nunley) Now yer supposed to say "I resemble that remark !". Nyuk,Nyuk,Nyuk. (Larry Swearingen) I use a small pair of needle nose pliers through the tip top loop to hold the tip top for heating and slipping it on the rod tip. Just thought I would pass this on. It might save some duct tape. (Tony Spezio) Thank you for the 3 stooges image. That made a great guffaw with which to close the work week. Now I can retreat from work with a smile on my face! (Greg Dawson) And of course Larry would have dunked his fingers into a bucket of gasoline or some other flammable liquid thinking it was water and set the whole place alight — wonderful image! (Larry Puckett) |