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< Home < Extreme Rodmaking < First Blood Still working on my forms.....paid work and honey do's keep me from progressing as quickly as I would like. I had a couple hours free this afternoon so I headed down to the workshop for some Zen time with the file plane. One of the things I discovered is I had over shot my target depth on the butt side by about .015. Having already spent so much time being "enlightened" with the a hand file, I wanted another way. That's when I recalled Spezio's article in Power Fibers about using a belt sander! How great are power tools!!!! Metal was melting away like butter. Okay, maybe not like butter, but definitely better than a file. I had half the forms within 1-2 thousandths, when I must have let my pinky slide over the side of the sander. Lets just say that the edge of a 50 grit belt turning at full power will slice through your finger like butter! Multiple expletives all while jumping up and down on one leg seemed to help. A good rinse, some peroxide, couple butterfly Band-Aids and Humpty Dumpty is back together again. Just thought I would share. I know how you guys like to relish in other's misfortunes. (Matt Fuller) Never fear Matt. It won't be the last time blood will be spilled in the workshop. (Mark Wendt) I have so much blood, sweat and tears in one of my rods that I am fairly certain I am destined to break it while impaling myself streamside someday. It wasn't my first rod, but I probably learned almost as much on it! Beer helps, but only after you are done with the power tools. (Carl DiNardo) I still have some red stains on my first rod. That's why I called it "Painful 98." (Mark Wendt) I think I know that rod. Its the one that screamed when I cast it. <G> (Doug Easton) ...Metal was melting away like butter. Okay, maybe not like butter, but definitely better than a file. I had half the forms within 1-2 thousandths, when I must have let my pinky slide over the side of the sander. Lets just say that the edge of a 50 grit belt turning at full power will slice through your finger like butter! That's why I suggest the first thing new rod builders buy is a box of Band-Aids. Never got it from a belt sander, though. (Terry Kirkpatrick) I've only had one experience with a belt sander. My words of advice in using this tool - Make sure it's off before plug it in. Yes they do travel fast enough to punch a hole in sheet rock. (Pete Van Schaack) Pete, Pete, Pete, . . . You've been at it again, eh? I can add that if you drop your arm due to the weight of the thing as you're turning it off, you can sand the pants (and some of the skin) right off the top of your knee! (Art Port) My wife insists on "honey do" projects, she knows I hate 'em, but she whacks me with the "I don't understand how you can plane a strip of bamboo to thousands of an inch, glue six together and make a fly rod, but can't hang wanes coating in the bathroom" usually followed by a few words I don't know how to spell as they aren't in the dictionary. Weather looks to be wet here tonight as well sigh, was hoping to get out on Sunday. (Pete Van Schaack) |
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